Domain Name Dispute Resolution Service for .SE

Country / Territory Code.SE
Country / Territory Name Sweden
Domain Registry
Registration Agreement
(adopted by the registration authority)
Dispute Policy
(adopted by the registration authority)

Variation of UDRP

Procedural Rules
(adopted by the registration authority)

Variation of UDRP

Complaint or Response Filing with WIPO

Variation of UDRP


Relevant differences between the procedure for .se and the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) include the following:

- Whereas the UDRP is limited to the protection of trademark rights, the Dispute Resolution Proceeding for .se Domain Names aim to protect not only trademark rights, but also certain other rights protected in Sweden.

- When filing a .se complaint it is possible to choose an accelerated proceeding. The accelerated proceeding will only be applicable if the respondent fails to respond to the petition and it offers an opportunity for the complainant to access faster processing of the case.

-The language of the proceeding is either Swedish or English.

-The procedure is in electronic form only.

-Eligibility criteria: see paragraph 3.1 of the Terms and Conditions “Any natural person or legal entity with a personal identification number or corporate identity number, or that can be identified via a registration designation in a register maintained by a governmental authority, or by an organization exercising state authority, may apply for registration of a Domain Name under the top-level domain .se.”