Domain Name Dispute Resolution Service for .RE

Country / Territory Code.RE
Country / Territory Name Reunion Island
Domain Registry
Registration Agreement
(adopted by the registration authority)
Dispute Policy
(adopted by the registration authority)

Variation of UDRP

Complaint or Response Filing with WIPO

Variation of UDRP


Notable features of the PARL EXPERT:

A complainant must first demonstrate that it has standing (intérêt à agir) to file the complaint based on its relevant IP rights (see below). A complainant must also demonstrate that it fulfils the eligibility requirements to register .fr domain names (

Pursuant to Article L. 45-2 of the CPCE, a complainant must demonstrate that the disputed domain name:

•is likely to disrupt public order or violate principles of morality, or infringe any rights protected by the French Constitution or by French law; or

•is likely to infringe IP rights or personality rights, unless the domain name holder has a legitimate interest in the domain name and is acting in good faith; or

•is identical or similar to the name of the French Republic, of a local authority or group of local authorities, of a local or national institution or public service, unless the domain name holder has a legitimate interest in the domain name and is acting in good faith.

Complaints under the PARL EXPERT must always be filed in French using the form available at