Domain Name Dispute Resolution Service for .MX

Country / Territory Code.MX
Country / Territory Name Mexico
Domain Registry
Registration Agreement
(adopted by the registration authority)
Dispute Policy
(adopted by the registration authority)

Variation of UDRP

Procedural Rules
(adopted by the registration authority)

Variation of UDRP

Complaint or Response Filing with WIPO

Variation of UDRP


Relevant differences between the policy for .mx (LDRP) and the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) include the following:

- whereas trademark protection is more limited than under the UDRP, as the LDRP only protects registered trademarks and service marks, there is wider protection than under the UDRP with the inclusion of: "avisos comerciales registrados, denominaciones de origen o reservas de derechos", in which the complainant has rights

- whereas the UDRP requires the complainant to prove both that the domain name was registered and used in bad faith, under the LDRP it is sufficient to prove that either the registration or subsequent use of the domain name by the registrant occurred in bad faith.