Domain Name Dispute Resolution Service for .LI

Country / Territory Code.LI
Country / Territory Name Liechtenstein
Domain Registry
Registration Agreement
(adopted by the registration authority)
Dispute Policy
(adopted by the registration authority)

Variation of UDRP

Complaint or Response Filing with WIPO

Variation of UDRP


Some particular features of the Rules of Procedure:

- By requesting an expert decision, a Claimant submits to the courts of Zurich with regard to any court proceedings initiated by the Respondent against the expert decision.

- The Rules of Procedure combine conciliation with an expert procedure. When receiving a complaint, the dispute resolution provider will appoint a conciliator, who conducts a telephone conference of up to one hour. If the conciliation fails, or if the Respondent fails to participate, the Claimant can request that an expert be appointed to decide the case.

- In order to be granted the remedy under the expert procedure, a Claimant must prove that the registration or use of the domain name constitutes a clear infringement of an intellectual property right under the laws of Switzerland or Liechtenstein.