Domain Name Dispute Resolution Service for .ES

Country / Territory Code.ES
Country / Territory Name Spain
Domain Registry
Registration Agreement
(adopted by the registration authority)
Dispute Policy
(adopted by the registration authority)

Variation of UDRP

Complaint or Response Filing with WIPO

Variation of UDRP


Relevant differences between the procedure for .es and the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) include the following:

- Whereas the UDRP is limited to the protection of trademark rights against infringement through bad-faith registration and use of a domain name, under the procedure for .es a Claimant must establish that the registration or use of the domain name constitutes an infringement of rights protected in Spain, which may concern trademarks but may also concern different types of intellectual property or certain other rights (see Rules, article 2, definition of "Derechos Previos" and of "Registro de Nombres de Dominio de Carácter Especulativo o Abusivo").

- No three-member panels are possible.